Terms and Conditions

You are now con­nect­ed to the Frontier Surrey Ltd website. The infor­ma­tion and con­tent con­tained here­in are pro­vid­ed sub­ject to the fol­low­ing Terms and Con­di­tions and your access to this website and con­tin­ued usage con­sti­tutes com­plete accep­tance of these terms and conditions:

1. Use of this web­site is sub­ject to the fol­low­ing dis­claimer and terms and con­di­tions of use. Please read them care­ful­ly. Frontier Surrey Ltd reserves the right to at any­ time vary this dis­claimer and these terms and conditions of use. You should there­fore read this dis­claimer and these terms and conditions of use each time you intend to use this web­site. Using or con­tin­u­ing to use this web­site will con­sti­tute accep­tance of these terms and con­di­tions of use and the terms of the dis­claimer as var­ied from time to time.

2. All infor­ma­tion made avail­able at this web­site is intend­ed to be of gen­er­al use only and is not made avail­able for any spe­cif­ic pur­pose. The infor­ma­tion is made avail­able as it appears and is with­out any term con­di­tion or war­ran­ty (express implied or oth­er­wise) as to its accu­ra­cy or com­plete­ness or as to the absence of any errors or omis­sions or as to its suit­abil­i­ty for use for any use or any par­tic­u­lar pur­pose. Any such terms con­di­tions war­ranties or oth­er­wise are exclud­ed to the extent per­mit­ted by law.

3. Your use of and brows­ing in this website is at your own risk. Nei­ther Frontier Surrey Ltd, nor any oth­er par­ty involved in cre­at­ing, pro­duc­ing, or deliv­er­ing the site is liable for any direct, inci­den­tal, con­se­quen­tial, indi­rect, or puni­tive dam­ages aris­ing out of your access to, or use of, this site. With­out lim­it­ing the fore­go­ing, every­thing on this site is pro­vid­ed to you ​“as is” and ​“as avail­able” with­out war­ran­ty of any kind, either expressed or implied, includ­ing, but not lim­it­ed to, the implied war­ranties of mer­chantabil­i­ty, fit­ness for a par­tic­u­lar pur­pose, or non­in­fringe­ment of intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty rights of third par­ties. Frontier Surrey Ltd reserves the right (at any time and with­out notice) to add to remove update or vary any of the infor­ma­tion that is made avail­able at this website.

4. The infor­ma­tion made avail­able at this web­site is not intend­ed to and does not con­sti­tute an invi­ta­tion or induce­ment to enter into any agree­ment in respect of any busi­ness prod­uct or ser­vice pro­vid­ed by Frontier Surrey Ltd (or any oth­er com­pa­ny). In addi­tion any busi­ness prod­uct or ser­vice men­tioned at this web­site may be var­ied or dis­con­tin­ued at any time and with­out notice.

5. With­out prej­u­dice to para­graphs 2 – 5 above:

a. Frontier Surrey Ltd will take rea­son­able steps (with­out cre­at­ing or accept­ing any legal lia­bil­i­ty or oblig­a­tion to do so or any duty of care in respect of doing so) to ensure that the infor­ma­tion made avail­able at this web­site is accu­rate and up to date.

b. Some of the infor­ma­tion made avail­able at this web­site is infor­ma­tion that has been pro­vid­ed by oth­er par­ties. Frontier Surrey Ltd will take rea­son­able steps (with­out cre­at­ing or accept­ing any legal lia­bil­i­ty or oblig­a­tion to do so or any duty of care in respect of doing so) to check the infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed by oth­er par­ties and iden­ti­fy the source of the information.

c. This web­site may con­tain hyper­text-links to oth­er party’s web­sites. Frontier Surrey Ltd has not reviewed and does accept any respon­si­bil­i­ty for any infor­ma­tion (and does not endorse any busi­ness prod­uct or ser­vice) that may be found at oth­er websites.

d. Frontier Surrey Ltd is not respon­si­ble for any form of cached con­tent cap­tured from its websites.

6. Unless oth­er­wise stat­ed Frontier Surrey Ltd owns the copy­right in the infor­ma­tion made avail­able at this web­site. Any copy­right­ed mate­r­i­al or any image or trade­mark are pro­tect­ed by law and may not be used or repro­duced with­out the writ­ten per­mis­sion of its own­er.​“Frontier Surrey Ltd” and mate­r­i­al marked with the “©” logo is (unless oth­er­wise stat­ed) trade­marks or copy­right­ed mate­r­i­al belong­ing to Frontier Surrey Ltd or its sub­sidiaries. Unless oth­er­wise stat­ed you may repro­duce infor­ma­tion made avail­able at this web­site for your per­son­al use pro­vid­ed that any rel­e­vant copy­right trade­mark or dis­claimer or oth­er notices are not removed. Unless specif­i­cal­ly autho­rised all oth­er use of copy­right­ed mate­r­i­al or trade­marks is prohibited.

7. To the extent that any part of this dis­claimer or these terms & con­di­tions of use is found to be invalid unlaw­ful or unen­force­able by any court of com­pe­tent juris­dic­tion then the rel­e­vant part shall be deemed to and shall be mod­i­fied to the extent required to make it valid law­ful or enforce­able (or shall if nec­es­sary be sev­ered from the remain­ing pro­vi­sions) and all oth­er pro­vi­sions shall be unaf­fect­ed and shall remain in full force and effect.

8. Frontier Surrey Limited’s fail­ure to insist upon or enforce strict per­for­mance of any pro­vi­sion of these Terms and Con­di­tions shall not be con­strued as a waiv­er of any pro­vi­sion or right. Nei­ther the course of con­duct between any par­ty referred to here­in nor trade prac­tice shall act to mod­i­fy any pro­vi­sion of these Terms and Conditions.

9. This dis­claimer and these terms & con­di­tions of use are gov­erned by the laws of Eng­land and Wales and the Eng­lish courts have exclu­sive juris­dic­tion in the event of dispute.

Frontier Surrey Ltd is a com­pa­ny duly organ­ised and valid­ly exist­ing under the laws of Eng­land and Wales under com­pa­ny no. ********* and hav­ing its reg­is­tered office at Beechwood Farm, Ewshot, Farnham GU10 5BS.