Naishes Lane SANGS area paths
Wildflower turf for ecological enhancements

We believe in doing everything we can to enhance the environment for the future.

Ecological enhancements can be a statement or subtle change, improving the environment for the both the wildlife, ecosystem and ultimately creating a positive impact on the future of mankind.

Did you know that the UK has lost almost 50% of its biodiversity since the 1970s?

Make a difference and a statement with a natural-looking pond, inviting the return of decreasing species. Or you could feature some nesting options available for bats and birds, alongside some insect housing for the powerful pollinators of the world.

Prefer to opt for something subtle? Perhaps you’d like to make a difference but still maximise the space available on your site. Even small changes can enhance the ecosystem. Adding wildflower turf rather than lawn will not only increase the biodiversity on your site, but it can also help to aid water retention and therefore prevent flooding, lower the need for maintenance and suppress weeds and deter pests.

Popular Ecological Enhancements for development sites:

  • Wildflower Turf

  • Native Plants and Trees

  • Bug Hotels

  • Hedgehog Domes

  • Bat Boxes

  • Hibernaculas

Nature and birds

There are other benefits, too.

Wildflower turf is more drought resistant, resulting in less complaints of browning turf during a heatwave.

Native plants and trees are usually more hardy, therefore requiring less maintenance overall.

More and more of the UK population are looking for ways to be eco-friendly, making these enhancements a great selling point!"